Frequently Asked Questions

Yes, we can travel for a project
If the business plan and product require it, we can travel for a project.
The teams are dedicated
To deliver quality and meet the objectives, always.
Experience we possess
Over 8 years in the international B2B, B2C, and DTC tech market.
We work with top brands
With the number ones: Nike, Chevrolet, Visa, Sura, among others.
We work with partners
Every scalable digital project should create synergies.
They specialize in Startups
It's our core business, we create success stories.

Our responses

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How teams are structured and managed.

Each project is unique; for this, we generate an analysis of efforts, time, materials, scope, and based on the business needs and objectives, we offer a team where talent and knowledge of each role must be impeccable.

How work times are calculated.

Work times can be calculated per quarter (Q), month, or as a turnkey project. To estimate them, we perform a holistic functional analysis. Teams can work using Agile, Lean, Waterfall, DevOps, or a combination of methodologies.

How budgets are prepared.

We assume every commitment through a contract that includes phases, stages, and milestones. The budget is tailored to the specific needs of each project and the required methodology.